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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Religious: To be or Not to be that is the question

While I was editing my profile I noticed a section in which I had to choose something. The best choicde I had on the list was Religion. This is what I had to select, but not what I practice. Religion is a confining thing that makes a person be a certain way. Getting religious is dangerous. It relegates worship to just being ritualistic. Religious is what I was when I was a Catholic growing up learning all the rituals that come with Catholicism. You must do this, kneel now, touch your chest when you hear the bell, say the "Our Father" ten times, and so on and so forth. This is only an example in which I am sure of, the other denominations are just as religious in different ways. Religion is a growth stunt for growing in Christ.

Being Christ-like is what every Christian should be striving to be while we live in this dying world. We must bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world so that they may be saved.

Back in the fight

Today I am rededicating posting on blogger. Why is this? Because I must spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world! I am still in training to obtain a degree and receive the necessary training to tell the truth. I am a young man in Christ while I am 41 by birth age, I am only 6 in Born Again age. However I am driven by the Holy Spirit to give the Gospel and researching in my heart as well as commentaries that will aid in bringing forth the Truth we ALL need to hear. To God be the Glory as He works through me in my postings. God be with you all!